The Vitamins Your Skin Craves

The Vitamins Your Skin Craves

Haley Haley
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Feeding your body nutrients for vital health also include the right vitamins and minerals for the skin. Read through to see if you've been consuming the vitamins your skin craves. 

Vitamin A

Vitamin A, AKA Retinol, plays a vital role in the skin. The skin is very responsive to retinol. Retinol regulates gene expression and cellular processes in the skin. Retinol increases skin cell and collagen production as well as unclogs pores. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to itchy, inflamed skin.

Vitamin E

Usually provided through the oils of our skin (sebum) Vitamin E is a crucial nutrient for skin health. Skin care products strip away Vitamin E from our skin. Vitamin E protects the skin cells from damage and is an anti-inflammatory agent for the skin. Dry, flaky skin can be a sign of Vitamin E deficiency.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, found in healthy skin with high concentrations, has powerful antioxidant properties and a vital role in collagen synthesis. Vitamin C improves skin tone, hydrates the skin, and aids in reducing signs of aging and sun damage. A deficiency in this vitamin manifests as dry skin and slow wound healing.

Vitamin D

Produced in the skin through sun exposure, Vitamin D contributes to cellular growth, repair, and metabolismIt enhances the skin's immune system and helps destroy free radicals that can cause premature aging. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.


An essential mineral, Zinc has many roles in the body. Zinc is needed for building keratin and the formation of collagen. Zinc is a transporter of Vitamin A, used for protein synthesis, wound healing, and the breakdown of fatty acidsZinc deficiency is commonly found in eczema sufferers.


Another key mineral, Selenium protects the skin from UV damage and helps to keep the skin youthful and firmDeficiency of this mineral leads to many skin abnormalities like absence of color and epidermal atrophy.

More nutrients to consider:

  • B Vitamins
  • Vitamin K2
  • Collagen/Gelatin
  • Omega 3s
  • Lysine
  • Boron
  • Manganese

All of these nutrients are available as supplements, however you will absorb and use these nutrients more effectively through eating them in their natural state found in unprocessed and organic food.

Nourish your skin with Health y Sol Soap

Because tallow shares many of the same fatty acids found in skin, our soap is full of bioavailable vitamins A, B12, D, E, K.

Grass Fed Tallow Bar Soap

Grass Fed Tallow Bar Soap


This is a fine dining experience for your skin. Embrace the simplicity of an age-old ingredient known for its remarkable benefits and savor the beauty of your skin's true potential. Nature holds all of the ingredients we need to feel… read more

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